Neck Pain During Office Hours

Woman Experiencing Neck Pain & Neck Tension. She Needs a Remedial Massage or Massage Therapy

Neck Pain & Desk Jobs: Why Massage helps Your Neck

If you are part of the working class in a variety of white-collar jobs, you are like most people who are spending long hours at their desk in front of the computer. It’s no surprise that a lot of people with this sedentary lifestyle end up experiencing some pain and discomfort, particularly in the back and neck area. People who have sedentary desk jobs become at risk of developing poor posture, which typically causes some stiffness or injury.

What are the most common reasons of neck pain for people with desk jobs? Here are some examples.

Due to Bad Posture

One of the main causes of neck pain is due to posture. Working at your workstation for long hours can affect your posture, causing strain specifically in the neck and back region as well as the shoulders. Typically, it begins with some soreness, but when the muscles become more tense, it gets even more painful and it can be a huge problem later on. Maintaining proper posture is a major factor to preventing neck pain, which can be tough to sustain with desk jobs.

Desk Setup Problems

A critical component of one’s workstation is the desk, but it could also contribute to a neck injury if it’s not positioned correctly. The main thing to consider when positioning the desk is to adjust it in a way that you are able to do work or type on your computer naturally. If the desk is not adjusted perfectly to your height, chances are you will have to shrug your shoulders and elevate your arms or extend your neck. Prolonged awkward or improper positioning could cause fatigue in the neck leading to tightness that could bring extreme pain.

Monitor Setup

Just as mentioned, your work setup is a critical component in the way you do your job and part of your setup is your computer monitor. Unfortunately, it is also another possible cause of your neck pain when you are working at it for extended periods. There is a way to avoid getting neck pain and that is to ensure that you adjust it properly. Experts recommend that your monitor should be set at slightly below your eye level in order to have your spine to have a neutral position and prevent your neck to be in an improper posture.

Improper Back Support

Another component of your work area is a suitable office chair. However, because you will have to sit on it for long hours, if it’s not comfortable then the chances of getting back or neck pain is high. What you can do is to make sure that you invest in a proper office chair that can provide the back support you need. While there are so many options out there, experts suggest ergonomic chairs that can offer the most flexibility and postural support correctly. A full back that extends from the chair’s seat all the way to your shoulders or above is probably the one thing that you need to look for as it gives the neck support that you need.

Stress Reasons

Besides the posture or work setup reasons, another major reason for getting neck pain is stress – as it contributes to a lot of physical and mental health issues we may encounter. It is often overlooked, but whenever we experience stress, our body’s natural fight or flight response forces our shoulders to elevate which fatigues our neck muscles as well as our upper back. Stress amplifies the effects of the factors mentioned above, which is why stress management is very important for people working desk jobs.

Treatments for Neck Pain

Fortunately, quick and long-term treatments for neck pain are available. Here are some of those you may want to consider.

Ice or hot pack therapy

One of the quickest ways to relieve pain in the neck is to apply a cold or hot pack in the painful area within 24 to 48 hours. This method is effective in reducing the swelling of muscles as well as relax them. You may use a damp or warm towel for this method. Depending on your preference, you can alternate between ice and heat therapy, as some people find more relief with this.

Over-the-counter pain medication

Over-the-counter medicines help to significantly relieve pain caused by muscle strain or tension. Drugs such as naproxene, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are some of the popular safe ones proven to reduce pain and are easy to get from drug stores. Before taking these, it’s important to read warning labels first.

Gentle Exercises

Simple gentle exercises are also helpful in relieving neck pain. Stretches such as gentle head movements of the head, forward, backward, and sideways can be done to help loosen up tight muscles. You can also use light hand and finger massage and apply some pressure to sore neck to provide some relief.

Swedish Massage

Finally, getting body massages is an excellent way to relieve pain not just around the neck and shoulders area, but the entire body. When your body suffers from constant stress or if your sedentary lifestyle is causing your muscles to get stiff, getting a shoulder massage could definitely reduce its effects. After prolonged periods of sitting at your work desk, muscles get tired as well as the joints of your spine. People with weak muscles are much more vulnerable to neck pain and tension compared to those who possess more fit neck muscles.

Massage helps reset your neck muscles, and for this, Swedish massages are typically the best option as it provides relief as well as can be helpful to loosen the neck. This popular massage is mostly focused on promoting relaxation which is what you are looking for especially if you are working too hard. It’s a great option to provide relief to neck pain and improve mobility which will enable you to do more and at the same time, feel great.

Why Is Massage The Best Choice For Neck Pain & Neck Tension?

Massage Therapy in General & In Particular, Remedial Massage is a great choice to alleviate many of the issues faced by people in regards to the way their body feels. We were never meant to do one thing for up to 12 hours a day on repeat with very minimal breaks. When you get a Massage for Neck Pain you are allowing yourself the time and opportunity to reset and restore your body to a place of wellness & health. Massage can reset muscles, lengthen tight areas, remove adhesions, break down scar tissue, improve mobility and stability in general & much much more. It is a great alternative way to deal with Neck Pain, Neck Tension & any associated symptoms like Tension Headaches or Migraines.

We Encourage you to view more of our content & book in should you be struggling with Neck Pain.


Hi! I’m Alan. I’m a Certified Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer & Counsellor. I have several years of experience working with clients by helping them achieve their health and wellness goals. I have a passion for improving lives & If you want to feel better in body & mind, I hope we can work together soon!

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